One of the greatest benefits of turning an ordinary business into an extraordinary profit-making machine and owning or controlling the products is the ability to get rich through duplication and multiplication. Once there was one McDonald's, one subway shop, one of everything. Even the simplest of ideas for your products and services, properly-packaged, can make you wealthy through duplication and multiplication.

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One of the insider secrets to making millions is doing everything possible to minimise circumstances beyond your control. Ordinary businesses can surprise you.

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At first glance, publishing with a traditional publisher seems like a no-brainer. They have a huge network of retailers, producers, and celebrities that they can promote your book. It's a lot of trouble to get a traditional publisher to want to publish your book, but once your foot is in the door, it's smooth sailing from there, right?

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It's my belief that success isn't just about making money. Most people start a business for the freedom they expect it to give to them. The cold hard reality is that most entrepreneurs end up working longer hours and for a lot less than a typical wage.

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With so many different formats to publish your book in (paperback/hardcover, ebook, audiobook), which format is right for you? The answer might surprise you.

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The format of your book used to be a decision between paperback or hardcover. However, with the creation of the internet, several new options now exist that did not before. So which format should you publish in?

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One of the major assets you need in your marketing arsenal is a great personal story. Stories are important because they help others understand who you are and why you do what you do. When someone knows and loves your story, they are more likely to respect and trust you.

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In my previous blog post, I talked about how most people who write a book don’t really do it with a marketing strategy in mind. I also talked about several things to consider, including who is your ideal client, what do you want to do with the attention they are giving you, and what format your book should be distributed in. In this post, I will discuss 5 marketing strategies you can implement to further your business goals:

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Writing a book is more than just communicating your message. It’s also about the marketing strategy to get people to buy in. Here are three things to consider:

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Every day you come across challenges and problems in your life. The question is, how do you respond?

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